Introducing GRAPE (Nate Wood)

(This is my general introduction to GRAPE. The goal of this lesson is for students to be able to label the ‘GRAPE’ of any rhetorical situation and to realize how …

The Rhetorical Situation (GRAPE it, K?)

Objective: Students will understand the importance of the rhetorical situation and how to identify the rhetorical situation (GRAPE it, K?). Students will demonstrate understanding by re-assessing the rhetorical situation for …

Revision for Summary vs Analysis

Help students understand the difference between summary and analysis by first analyzing a paper I’ve written, and then by looking at their own. While looking at their own paper, have them color their paragraphs into Summary, Analysis, and connector pieces.

More Analysis, Less Summary

Help students understand the difference between summary and analysis by having them summarize the outside world, analyze the outside world, and look at Isaiah 1:18. Emphasizes the level of detail needed.