Thinking about your writing process (Katie Johnson)

Lesson Prep

Big Objective: I will guide my students to be engaged, mindful, and purposeful thinkers and writers through the process of writing.

Lesson Objective: Students will start to see that the writing process is not just a step by step procedure but it is an iterative process. They will get examples of my writing process.

My prep: About Me Sheets, review MW chapter 3, review Strategic Writing Strategic Living, markers, name sheets

Student prep: Claims, Reasons, and Assumptions, MW chapter 3, Strategic Writing Strategic Living, 

Lesson Presentation

Housekeeping (10 minutes)

  • About Me Sheet
  • Pass out Name Sheets and Explain Name Quiz (low stakes but good to know each other) pass out 20 pieces of paper and then we’ll stand. Next Friday
  • Next time meet at the library
  • Rough Draft due class time next Wednesday. So start drafting


Rush Write (10 minutes)

Describe your writing process. Where do you go to write? How do you do it? What do you do first, second, third? What type of writer are you? What type of writer do you wish to become, especially as you progress through Writing 150?

Draw your usual writing process on the same sheet of paper.

Write Pair Share this rush write.


Discussion: (10 minutes)

Why are some writing processes better than others? What do you think is involved in a good process? What about a bad process? What holds you back from doing better writing processes? (focus on the revision process)


Drawing (5 minutes)

Get into groups of four (Show them examples). What is the best writing process to you?


Lecture (15 mins)

Explain Brian Jackson’s model of writing process. Explain how the best writers write. 

  • Plan
  • Practice
  • Revise
  • Reflect

Explain how I personally write. Lots of research and planning. I will use an outline to figure out my thesis. Then I will write a first draft. I will often completely scrap that first draft but I will have a good thesis by that time. Then I write a second draft, which nuances my argument, adds additional insight and adds structure. 

Explain argument-finding and structure finding drafts.

How would you change the models you drew today? How does this revision apply to how you might revise an actual paper. You think you have something great and right, but as you learn more information and as you think, then it changes. 

As you draft this weekend, you are putting all your ideas, trying to find which ideas will stick and which ideas will go. Try to get a good thesis by the end of the drafting process of the first draft, but you shouldn’t necessarily worry about structure too much.