Reading Rhetorically (Katie Johnson)

Lesson Prep

Big Objective: I will guide my students to be engaged, mindful, and purposeful thinkers and writers through the process of writing.

Lesson Objective: Through a class discussion of the Casey Boyle article and how we read peer-reviewed sources and how we can read different genres to understand the typical moves they make, students will be able to see how to read to best maximize their time and understanding.

Teacher Prep: About Me Sheets, Annotated Bibliography and Annotated Outline Assignment sheet, Rubric

Student Prep: Turn in Rhetorical Analysis on Learning Suite

Lesson Presentation

Housekeeping (10 Minutes)

  • 5  min: Go over module 3 and 4
  • 1 min: Library Day (2212)

9 minutes: Go over questions about the conference paper and look at the rubric.

10 min: Annotated Bibliography and Annotated Outline go over (due March 14, the bib, due March  20th the outline)

Rush Write: How do you usually read an academic source? Do you understand academic sources well? Why or why not?

Reading Academic Articles (link to accompanying presentation)

For class today, you read about reading. Let’s take a look at Casey Boyle’s article, because it is the basis for how I read and take notes today. 


Skim through the work noting the title, chapter, subtitles, indices, etc.

Read the abstract, introduction & conclusion

Fill in the rest by reading through the work as much as you need. (So I usually read the first and last sentences of a body paragraph. If the paragraph doesn’t make sense doing that, then I read the rest)

Sections on Architecture, Intro/Conclusion, Main Points

Sections on 

Key Terms/Words (locate the key terms and concepts)

Key Citations (3-4 key citations the work relies on)

Questions (understanding and critique)

Speculative Response (speculate how a writer might respond to Questions)

I remember pretty much everything. 

Skimming will help you save time to see if what you are reading will actually be helpful for you. 

It will help you find the most valuable information first. 

It will help you move away from just reading the abstract. 

It will help you find other sources to look at for your resaerch.

Discuss: What did you think about the moral argument about reading? What do you think about ethical reading so that we understand the arguments better when we read?

Go through What I do on my OneNote

Collaborative Group Work (Groups of 3) Rest of Class:

    • How to read Academic Papers template and allow students to download paper
  • Now I want you to use my technique or Casey’s (both are very similar) to look at in groups a student’s conference paper (tackle football) 
  • Add in:
    • What is the research question or narrowed research topic? Is it narrower than you thought it would be?
    • What is the thesis?
    • If time at end, start looking at narrowed research questions. What do those look like? 

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