We’ve collected forms and resources here that may be of use as you plan instruction, revise your syllabus, or deal with questions and issues that students might have. As always, feel free to email the University Writing faculty and staff if you have any questions.

Links to Jon’s presentations: Instructional Design Part 1 and Instructional Design Part 2

Lesson Plan Template
This Google doc is the template we encourage you to use as you plan individual lessons. You can make a copy of this template and store it in your own Google drive or download it in Word format to use as you see fit.

FERPA for Google Drive
Use this form if you’re planning to use Google Drive as a place to store students’ drafts, comment on each others’ work, and especially if you’ll use Google Drive as a place to provide feedback to students. Remember that if you have students respond in class or in person and if you communicate feedback and grades through Learning Suite, you do not need a FERPA release.

FERPA form for email
Use this form if you plan to return students’ work (with comments and/or grades) using email. Again, using Learning Suite for grades and comments on student work eliminates the need for FERPA release from students.

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